The Lotus-Eater is the first Void rocket-assisted sidearm, and is one of the Nightfall weapons added in Destiny 2: Heresy. It’s got so many incredible perk combos that it can be difficult to narrow down which one you should use your precious, limited vault space on.
In this Destiny 2 guide, we’ll walk you through how to get a Lotus-Eater, which perks can drop on it, and what we would consider the PvE god rolls to be for this weapon.
How to get Lotus-Eater in Destiny 2
The Lotus-Eater is one of many rotating Nightfall weapons that you can get by completing a Nightfall in the week that it’s available.
You can check what the weekly weapon is by visiting Commander Zavala in the Tower. You’ll see the “featured” weapon at the top of his Focused Decoding menu, which will show the weapon that will drop from Nightfalls that week.
Nightfall weapons have a much higher chance of dropping when you complete the Nightfall on higher difficulty levels. Grandmaster Nightfalls are guaranteed to drop one Adept Nightfall weapon, which will net you access to special Adept mods that can further increase your stats.
Finally, you can spend a Nightfall Cipher (Adept) on additional rolls of the Featured Nightfall weapon as long as you’ve completed the Nightfall that week and have the weapon (Adept versions cost 10 Nightfall Ciphers). You can increase your Nightfall Cipher (Adept) haul by running the Grandmaster Nightfall.
All Lotus-Eater perks in Destiny 2
Below, we’ll list out all the possible perks in Lotus-Eater’s left and right columns. We’ll be skipping the barrel and magazine perks, but you’re looking to prioritize velocity and reload speed wherever possible. As always, we’re using the excellent and reliable database to pull our data.
Here’s what Lotus-Eater can drop with in the left column (two perks can drop in the left column and you can toggle between them):
- Reconstruction
- Feeding Frenzy
- Repulsor Brace
- Beacon Rounds
- Strategist
- Shoot To Loot
Here’s what Lotus-Eater can drop with in the right column:
- Withering Gaze
- One For All
- Destabilizing Rounds
- High Ground
- Adrenaline Junky
- Reverberation
Below, we’ll offer some perk combination recommendations for Lotus-Eater.
Lotus-Eater god rolls for PvE in Destiny 2
We’re going to focus entirely on PvE in this guide, as that’s both our expertise and where a large part of the community spends their time. If you’re interested in PvP recommendations, we suggest checking out a YouTuber like FalloutPlays, who specializes in PvP.
There are some really great rolls in the Lotus-Eater perk pool, but a few combos really take the weapon from good to great. We’re going to give you two.
The Void Verb Lotus-Eater
Of the two recommendations, this one is the one we’d recommend most people go for, as it ticks two of the most important boxes: It’s powerful and it’s unique for this archetype.
Left column:
- Reconstruction
- Repulsor Brace
Right column:
- Destabilizing Rounds
Starting with the more important perk, you’re going to want Destabilizing Rounds in your right column, as it’s extremely powerful for clearing large rooms of enemies or just doing additional blast damage. Its ability to apply Volatile Rounds for a brief period of time just makes it that much better.
For your left column perks, you’d ideally want Reconstruction with a Repulsor Brace toggle. Reconstruction removes your need to ever reload this thing, really, and Repulsor Brace synergizes very well with Destabilizing Rounds, keeping you healthy with a Void Overshield basically all the time.
The Blaster Master Lotus-Eater
This recommendation is definitely secondary to the Void Verb one. It’s not as powerful or as unique, but it is extremely versatile as the perks rely less on synergizing with your subclass. If you just can’t get enough of the Lotus-Eater and wish you could use it when running a Strand build or something, go for this one.
Left column:
- Reconstruction
- Beacon Rounds/Strategist
Right column:
- One For All
Again, starting with the important perk, you’re really looking for One For All in the right column. One For All can typically be annoying to get going, but because the Lotus-Eater has some splash damage, you should have no problem hitting the three enemies required to activate this perk. You’ll then get a really big, potent damage bonus for a few seconds before needing to start over again. This is another of One For All’s annoyances — that you have to wait for it to fall off to reset it — that is mitigated by the explosive nature of this gun.
In the left column, you’re looking for Reconstruction and Beacon Rounds. Reconstruction makes it so you never have to reload, whereas Beacon Rounds makes your shots track and gives you a reload speed bonus. Beacon Rounds is definitely more useful for controller players than keyboard and mouse players. There is a dark horse pick for Strategist here, as getting class energy back can be really helpful in a lot of builds, but for general play you probably want to look to the other two.